So, now it’s almost time: Christmas is just around the corner. The anticipation is probably huge for many of us, despite or just because of Corona. Therefore, there is more to prepare for me this year than “just” the Christmas gifts for my loved ones. Because this year, probably more than ever, the focus is…
healthy lifestyle
How to stop cravings effectively
I am often asked if I have tips for food craving attacks. Who knows me well will already suspect that there is no universal check-list following here. Your cravings attacks are very personal – they are within YOU: a conflict between YOUR body and YOUR mind. My experiences with a ravenous appetite My cravings started…
A PROMISE FOR A GOOD DAY For many of us, coffee is an integral part of our morning routine and also saves us from many an afternoon depression. So it’s not really that surprising that coffee is the world’s most widely consumed beverage after water. But what’s the truth in all these rumors – is…
How to cope with anxiety and emotions
In the current situation, almost everyone of us experiences moments of anxiety, doubt or uncertainty. Rules and routines change, we lose our orientation and new feelings emerge, which we might not know how to deal with (immediately). You are welcome to listen to Diana’s and my new podcast episode where we discuss how actively facing…
Monthly Favorites April 2020 – Corona Edition 2
Have you added any new hobbies since the Corona crisis or perhaps brought long-forgotten hobbies back to life? In any case, I have some new favorites in April 2020. After I, and probably everyone else, spend a lot of time at home, suddenly other things become valuable. Even if I am slowly missing the social…