Hello Loves,
my name is Annelina Waller. I was allowed to see the world by equinox, the 23.09.1990. Since then, I have been living in Germany with the motto: Love yourself and do what you can be proud of. For me, it’s to color my life and spread this color over to you! Moreover, I believe in the power of plant-based food and everything which comes with it. Therefore, I am vegan, since the first of January 2014.
This blog is a place for me to share simple vegan recipes and my way to a happier and healthier me.
I was raised in a really healthy way. My parents taught me everything about healthy and wholesome living. I just kind of went right into whole food and veggie kitchen using whole grains, organic products, and eating complex carbs. In warm seasons, I found dandelion, and weed (today I know it was goat weed) on my plates. I would have loved to eat a chocolate pudding but instead, dad made me eat our garden. Thank you. No honestly, today I’m really grateful for it. Things like McDonald’s were a NoGO so I first met it with 13 at a Birthday Party.
After moving to my own apartment, I started to begin my own diet. I took the contraceptive pill and that made things go bad. I gained weight and did get digestion and concentration problems. This was a turning point. I tried various diets such as low-carb, Dukan, and paleo without meat, thinking it was healthy. Then, I started an internship at a Competence center of nutrition where I learned a lot about healthy food, recipe creation, and the MOODFOOD Theory. In 2013 I wrote my bachelor thesis in psychology about “emotions and eating behavior focused on mood food and chocolate”. This also leads to my passion for HAPPYFOOD and to focus on the Mood Food Theory. At the end of 2016, I completed my Master’s degree in “Event – Sport – Health / Marketing Management”.
In 2017, I released my first cookbook called “Buddha Bowls” which is available only in German yet. In May 2017, I moved to Berlin to work as a Social Media Marketing Manager. Since January 2018, I become a full-time Blogger. It feels like all my dreams come true without even knowing about them.
Oh and I finally did my Yoga Teacher training <3.
contraceptive pill
When creating recipes what do you always keep in mind?
That it has to be simple for recreation.
Top 3 foods you can’t live without
Carrots, Bananas, Potatoes.
Favorite toppings on a salad?
Nutritional yeast, sesame seeds, hummus and dates.
What do you eat when you get a sweet craving throughout the day?
Dried apricots or a date stuffed with a raw cacao bean. It tastes like chocolate, so yum.
Are you active? If so what fitness regime do you follow?
Yes, being active is my other passion. I love YOGA, TRX, and functional fitness. Furthermore, I love running to clear my mind.
If you could give advice on someone adapting to a new healthy lifestyle what would it be?
My advice would be to try a sustainable plant-based diet for a certain time period and become aware of the benefits or disadvantages. Stay positive through your new goals and always keep in mind, that you are doing this for yourself and not only for yourself but also for your children and the planet.
Do you plan your meals in advance?
I don’t
If YES – why? If NO – why?
Because I can’t plan my appetite.
How does planning your meals in advance help?
It helps with your weekly food shopping. Also, it furthers if you want to make a special recipe or if you are following a diet and want to control your food behavior.
Namaste, xX