Did you know, that you can eat the rainbow in your sandwich :)? I’m sure you did but you might not have done it yet. And I promise, you have to try, you won’t regret it.
This recipe is made with leftover potatoes. Most of the time I have some pre-cooked ones in my fridge since it’s my staple starchy veggie. If you don’t have them on stock and you are too lazy to cook, you can use canned chickpeas instead.

- Makes 2 sandwiches:
- 4 slices of spelt bread or your favourite bread
Veggies:- 1 cooked purple potato (for an extra antioxidants-boost)
- 1 handful of young spinach
- 1 handful of red cabbage
- ½ Avocado
- ½ carrot, orange
- ½ carrot, red
- Mango-Spread:
- Slice your veggies thinly ,like shown n the picture. I like to use a veggie slicer for my carrots.
- Sandwich:
- Spread 1 tbsp mango cream on each slice of bread. Layer one slice with spinach, carrots, cabbage, potato and avocado. Sandwich the two pieces together and repeat with your other one. I like to wrap my sandwich into brown recyclable paper to keep them together. Take to work, school, uni, or enjoy right where you are.
Let’s dive into a colorful rainbow sandwich. Don’t be shy to get creative or variate. Just make sure to have a veggie rainbow, it will make you happy and provides you loads of different vegetables.
Enjoy eating the rainbow! I’d love to hear your thoughts.
xX Annelina
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