Food without just turned one year. And we are almost 75,000 people now. Holy amazing carrots! Thank you so much. It makes me really proud to be here with you, sharing food without regrets and everything about conscious living. I am so stoked and grateful for all the love given by you. Getting messages from some of you that it was actually me turning you vegan (I mean not often but it happens) makes me crying.
So anyway, getting to the more important part for you! My THANK YOU! When you are writing a thank you letter, sometimes you don’t know where to start and end. I’m saying thank you with sincerity and for celebrating my Blogs Birthday I’m throwing a FEATURE and GIVEAWAY Party.
I’m running my Giveaway trough Instagram but here are some details.
You can win some of my favorite products (more pictures above):
- One box Squarebars (Organic Protein Bars)
- One Drop Bottle
- 2 Coconut Bowls and 2 Spoons
- 1 meaningful clothing
The brands have kindly donated these wonderful products.
Here is how it works:
- Head to my Instagram account
- Repost the image (see above), another one or recreate a picture, recipe of mine
- Tag me in the caption and on the pic
- Use #fwr1year
- Bonus: Tell me what you’d like me to do my next blogpost about or any other wishes.
- You can enter as many times as you like.
I’ll start featuring next week and pick one winner on 31st of January. You will then receive all the goodies above.
A big thank you to the brands for supporting “food without regrets one year”! I have selected all the companies because they are supporting good causes.
Hope you have a wonderful week, and good luck!
Love and Laughing,
Annelina, xx
Huhu, auch hier nochmal herzlichen Glückwunsch zum 1-jährigen Jubiläum, liebe Anneli!! Ich wünsche Dir weiterhin alles Liebe und viel Freude beim Bloggen 🙂 Wunderschöne Bilder, wie immer!!!
Herzliche Grüße von Sharoni :-*
Halloo meine liebe Sharoni, vielen vielen lieben Dank! Und genau das wünsche ich dir auch :). Ja meine Kamera fehlt mir etwas, aber dank der SMartphones gehts auch so gaz gut :).
Fühl dich gedrückt :**