Well, it’s March already, but my 1st monthly favorites :). Was probably not so much going on with me, or the other way around, so much that the monthly favorites came up short.
I hope you don’t blame me. For a little excuse, today’s are a bit longer and have a lot to offer.
First of all, I hope that you are all doing well under our current circumstances – that you are getting enough sleep, and that your sport-routine or even diet keeps you happy. If you’re reading this now and thinking, busted, none of this applies, I don’t sleep well, I can’t really motivate myself to do sports and I’ve eaten better before, then that’s totally okay. You are not alone in this either. I and we all have our hang-ups and especially in such times.
Maybe this post will help you because here, I share the tricks that help me to increase my well-being in such cases.
1. What I found: this helps with sleep
Let’s start with sleep. Admittedly, I often sleep poorly. Especially when I’m still snuggling with my phone in the evening, wtf. whhhhyyy, or hanging out on the laptop, suddenly start doing sports or maybe eat too late. Some things that tend to negatively affect our sleep are pretty clear. Blue lights, a too-full stomach, intense sports, upsetting conversations or movies….
If I still do that, or can’t sleep for some other reason, my melatonin spray always helps me. For me, there is nothing more unrelaxing than lying in bed in the evening and thinking, you have to sleep. NOW. Alone with this thought, it can’t be anything and still, I find myself under pressure to fall asleep. Then I take my melatonin spray, concentrate on my breath, and count slowly to 10, usually, this helps.
I’ll write more about which sleep spray I use in my next blog post if you’re interested.
Fun fact that is not funny, when we sleep badly, we tense up and eat more. Here I have a post about CBD/relaxation as well as here a Yin Yoga sequence to relax.
2. This is what I bought – soy kefir
that I bought not only this month but almost every day when I make my beloved Coffee Walks in Berlin. Soy Kefir from Sojade – soooo good, have you heard of it?
I think the kefir deserves a place here, as I’ve just been a loyal fan for so long. Unfortunately, this kefir is pretty rare in stores (Denn’s, Veganz, health food store), which is why I like to beat the advertising drum (unpaid) here a bit more, just thinking of our overall happiness :). If you see it, grab it right away. It is worthwhile itself for mind, gut and soul.
Kefir is a fermented milk drink and the one from Sojade is the first in the supermarket that is made from soy. It’s organic, vegan, has no added sugar, and contains billions of creamy kefir cultures. For those who want to increase their protein intake and stimulate intestinal activity, it’s perfect. Low in fat and made with GMO-free French soybeans. Whuup whuup, let the magic begin. Of course, you can also indulge in Little Love’s new chocolate or Lini’s Bites if you’re more of a chocolate person. They taste super dreamy
3. What I read – Untethered Soul
okay, now it becomes really spiritual. But sometimes, quite often, I find myself in such a mood where I want to read nothing else than this kinda stuff. It does not have to be much, 1-3 pages are enough for me. That is often enough information for the whole day. Right now it is, among other things, Untethered Soul by Michael A. Singer. U might know it?
As a young man, Michael lived in the forests of Florida, detached from personal fears and constraints he trusts the continuous flow of life. In this book, he tells about his personal experiences and shows with the help of simple exercises how we can achieve self-knowledge and fulfillment through the concentrated development of consciousness, how we exist independently of our emotions and thoughts, and how we transcend fears…
4. What I am listening to when I have a low
uhh I would like to link to my Spotify Yoga list here. I listen to quite a lot right now, but most of all my yoga playlist. Especially when I do yoga, the music strengthens my natural high feeling even more.
If I have a real low, then the playlist helps me as well. For me, there are then exactly 2 options.
- Either I want to really savor my low (not so often the case) and then I look for a super sad song to completely burst into tears.
- Or, I want to turn my low into a high again really fast, then I look for a song that cheers me up and makes me jump around the apartment.
What do you do when you have a low?
What are your March Favorites?
Love, Annelina
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