My pumpkin favourites – delicious recipes for autumn
- Kürbis Porridge
- Kürbis Pudding Kuchen
Hola pumpkin fans,
I know – we’ve had a lot of pumpkin on the blog lately. But … Hands down! It just happens to be a phenomenal vegetable.
That’s why I thought I’d round up some exciting facts for you again, as well as the most delicious recipes. Before we get to my pumpkin favourites and delicious recipes, let’s start with why I’m such a huge pumpkin fan:
A few facts about our favourite fall vegetable:
- Fun fact: unfortunately, it’s not that easy to cut a pumpkin in half. But there is a trick: just drop the pumpkin on the ground …. and it shatters into two halves (vllt not necessarily inside ;))
- Better than peeling the pumpkin as a whole, is to first cut it into slices and then remove the skin from the slices from top to bottom
- Elongated squash contain a lot of water, so sometimes it can be useful to dehydrate them. To do this, simply cut the pumpkin into slices and put them in salt water for several hours and then dry them off
- Pumpkins can be kept for months if stored properly: The prerequisite is that temperatures do not fall below 6-8 degrees, if the pumpkin freezes it begins to rot. Once the pumpkin is cut or prepared, it should be used within a few days
- Spices that go well with pumpkin: Pepper, nutmeg, rosemary, sage, bay leaf, cinnamon, cloves, star anise, ginger.
Perfect preparation:
- Cooking: Cut the pumpkin into equal-sized pieces and put them in salted water. Make sure that the flesh is not too soft, so that not too many minerals are lost. The cooking water is excellent for stews and soups and is also very nutritious.
- Steaming: Steaming is especially suitable if you have no more use for the cooking water. Place the same sized pieces in a colander and hang over a pot of boiling water. The vegetables should not touch the water and the pot must be tightly sealed
- Baking: Cut the squash into larger pieces or wedges (about 1 cm). Season splits and place on a greased or aluminum foil lined baking sheet. Bake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for 15-20 minutes.
- Microwave: Here, the pumpkin cooks best if you slice it. Cover the pumpkin with a microwave safe material and cook until the pumpkin flesh is nice and juicy
- Braise: If you let the squash cook for a long time in a covered pot, the squash flesh will break down and become a delicious sauce. Tastes especially good with pasta
Now let’s get started – my pumpkin favourites and yummy recipes:
Never tried pumpkin in sweet or cold dishes? Then it’s high time you did! Ever thought about making a smoothie bowl with pumpkin? Combined with cinnamon, peanut butter, and Vivo Salted Caramel protein powder, the pumpkin comes out perfectly in this sweet recipe. Perfect if you want an autumnal smoothie bowl. Plus, it’s super sustainable since pumpkin is a seasonal vegetable right now.
Curry ALWAYS goes, am I right? It is super quick to prepare and always varied. A special upgreat gets your curry at the moment, if you pack pumpkin with pure. Just sauté onions and garlic, add pumpkin and vegetables and tofu and deglaze with coconut milk. Tastes great with rice and some greens. To bring out the pumpkin a little more, I cooked pineapple into the curry. A sweet component to the pumpkin is always good. It becomes exciting when you also do not add chili.
A super easy recipe, quick and mega delicious! Stina and I had baked it this year for Halloween and it went over well at every party. Since Halloween is already over, just leave out the decorations and the pie tastes great all fall long. It’s also a great take home for Thanksgiving. Perfect as a dessert or afternoon snack. I also had it for breakfast 😉 You can find the recipe on my IG channel or on my blog.
Stuffed Hokkaido always goes down well and tastes good to everyone. The hearty dish can be prepared super versatile. On my Instagram I showed you three versions, all of which taste great. The special thing, all are baked in the oven. I’m a really big fan of baked squash. Have you ever tried it? Of course, you can also experiment with the variations and fill the pumpkin with all the things you like to eat.
- nach dem Backen
Who doesn’t love cinnamon rolls? I think everyone – but cinnamon rolls topped with pumpkin takes it to another level. Cinnamon is one of my favourite spices and it just goes perfectly with pumpkin. The pumpkin cinnamon rolls are a must especially at Christmas. They taste just great and fill the room with a very special scent.
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- Pumpkin Rolls
- Easy and yummy
From all the delicious pumpkin recipes you still have some cooked pumpkin left? Perfect – because you can use it for your next breakfast. And that’s in a porridge. I love vegetables in my porridge, otherwise it’s just too boring for me. And when it’s in season, my favorite thing to use is pumpkin. With the right spices like cinnamon it tastes especially good – as a highlight I topped it with caramelised pears.
Those were my favorite pumpkin recipes this year. What do you think of them? What are your favourites? I’m really looking forward to the next pumpkin season and to present you new recipes that we can test together 🙂
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