Protein-rich pea spread – delicious through the summer: Guys, summer is just around the corner. You can’t believe how excited I am. Anyone who knows me knows how much the sun makes me glow and that my energy levels are unbearable when the sun is out. Are you looking forward to summer as much as…
Fancy Carrot Sauce – Must Try
You absolutely have to try this fancy carrot sauce. OMG – there’s no way your pasta will be boring. The sauce not only pimps the taste but also the nutritional values, because you fill your dish with some extra protein. So it’s an absolute win-win. As you know, I’m a big fan of recipes that…
Zucchini Rolls | Perfect easter recipe | Easy, vegan, lowcarb
Zucchini rolls | Perfect for Easter | Simple, vegan, lowcarb Easter recipe. Vegan and lowcarb Easter is just around the corner, time to start thinking about the menu for Easter weekend. I love looking for inspiration from other recipes and then adapting them for a different occasion. Today, my inspiration comes from Japanese. Japanese at…
The best vegan recipes for BBQ season
Even as a vegan barbecue season can be fun! But what can be put on the grill? What should we pay attention to avoid toxic substances? And what should definitely not be missing? Find out here. Yeah, barbecue season is on. And with it also the annual question, what we, as vegetarians or vegans can…
Protein Cheesecake – vegan, glutenfree and healthy
Advert Cheesecake is already one of my favorites, I must say. I also associate a certain nostalgia with it, because this cake was available at every birthday party or on special occasions. But I have never understood why the whole cheesecake was called that. When I was first told about it, I was also really…
How to cook Tempeh – healthy without frying
Hello, if you don’t know yet, I’m Annelina and I love Tempeh. Tempeh is the protein of the future 🙂 That is at least my opinion. I wonder if I can ever get on other people’s nerves with my Tempeh love. Tempeh: The fermented soy product is so healthy Tempeh – a healthy alternative in the…