Pumpkin Porridge for cozy autumn days 🙂 It´s about time that my beloved pumpkin porridge finds its place here :). Boring porridge has never been my thing. Vegetables must be there with pure :). My favorites are zucchini, pumpkin, carrot and cauliflower. But I have also tried it with eggplant, and beetroots. It was also…
My tips for healthy and strong hair
Do You wanna have beautiful shiny Hollywood hair? I’d like to share my best tips for healthy and strong hair with you You probably know them too, those “bad hair days” when our hair just doesn’t want to look the way you want it to look. This morning failure in front of the mirror sometimes…
TRUST YOUR GUT – Why a healthy diet and well-being comes together
My intuition, this inner guide or my gut feeling are more important to me than my rational abstract reason. I follow my gut instinct when I have to make important decisions or face a new challenge. For me it is, so to speak, the reasonable voice of my body because it shows me what is…
Three veggie infused Overnight Oats in under 5 minutes
The 3 Overnight veggie Oats are perfect for on the go. You can prepare them all in under 5 minutes in the evening and take them to school, work or anywhere else in the morning. And as we know, if our first meal is a healthy one, it’s much easier to keep this level the…
Green smoothie bowl with hearts
Quick healthy smoothie bowl with love Since it’s Valentine’s Day soon, I thought we could all give each other a little love :). Actually, we all do that way too rarely anyway. Of course, the hearts can also make other days special as well. And Valentine’s Day is not just about celebrating relationships. After all,…
Refreshing Kiwi Strawberry Smoothie Bowl
It’s getting green and pink today <3. This green goddess kiwi strawberry smoothie bowl is a refreshing mix with kiwi, basil, lemon and a pink strawberry touch. *Advert: This Kiwi recipe is part of a German Zespri Kiwi Blog Campaign! While I was traveling in New Zealand in 2013, I learned about the kiwai and…